Wednesday, November 07, 2007

October Prayer Requests

Thank You for your Prayers!
October 2007
Precept Ministries
1. During Dorie's visit to Taiwan she shared her testimony with eight young women wanting to leave a lesbian lifestyle, 20 teenagers from abusive backgrounds, 60 AIDS victims in a nearby women's prison, and 4 larger open meetings in churches in different cities. Everywhere we went, people were encouraged and touched, We also shared in the larger meetings, the basic principles of inductive Bible study. We challenged everyone to follow Dorie's example, of growing into an intimate walk with God through studying His word. It is difficult to measure spiritual fruit, but it was amazing to hear people share how they had been spiritually revived or helped through the meetings.
2. We are very excited that the woman who designed our website and the poster for Dorie's meetings has been attending a Bible study at our office and has decided to start attending church and get baptized. When we met her, she said she already believed, but now she has begun to really seek to know God more deeply.
3. The rural outreach to the town of Tou Wu has resulted in a commitment to studying the word of God by the pastor. I will be going at least two more times to lead them in practicing the method a little more so that they are confident to lead their own group.
4. The month of November and half of December, I will travel to the south of Taiwan (3 1/2 hours one way) to teach a Precept course in the extension program of the China Lutheran Seminary. We are praying that each student will take away an understanding of how to study the word on their own, as well as a hunger after truth. May each of them become a living advertisement for inductive Bible Study.

Hsinchu TEAM Church
1. We praise God for the growing sense of community among church members. We have seen some individual revival taking place among some members and we continu to pray that it will spread and touch the lives of many others.
2. Pray for the church members as they each pray for one seeker, for building relationships and introducing them to the Lord and to the church fellowship.

Trailblazer Camps
1. We have found a piece of land on which we will begin government studies and negotiations for purchase. Continue to pray for God's timing and direction.
2. We have a couple buyers for our old piece of land, and negotiations are in progress for that as well. Pray for wisdom for us in this process, to know how long to wait on a certain price and when would be the most optimal time to make the transition.

Nancy's Personal requests
1. Praise God for His faithfulness and kindness in letting me be home Oct. 14-22 to have some unexpected time with Mom, Dad and Jodee.
2. Please pray for me to continue to grow spiritually and in intimacy with God.
3. Please pray for some new supporting churches. I want to develop close ties with a few more churches, including some overseas Chinese congregations, if possible.
4. Please pray for the long-term planning of Precept Taiwan and for me as I lead this process.

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