Saturday, June 06, 2009

Yikes! How can it be the middle of 2009 already!

Actually, I do know how 6 months could pass by and hardly be least from the perspective of blogging. January and February were devoted to preparations for TEAM's Annual Conference and my upcoming Home Assignment. On March 10 I departed Taiwan for 4 months in the US.

This time away has been a very rich time for me. I am so thankful for the many connections with long-time friends and supporters as well as many new ones. A holiday trip to N. Ireland gave me wonderful rest and spiritual uplift as well as just the pure joy of being in a lovely place with some of my favorite people.

The missions conference at my home church (Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church) was a wonderful experience for me. I got to interact with old and new friends and also to experience first-hand the transition to a new pastor along with the merger of his former church members into our congregation. It is proving to be a historic event (process) and one that is extremely encouraging to watch, as the Spirit of God blends two congregations into one....the truth of "one Spirit, one Body, one Lord" is illustrated beautifully. I feel privileged to be a part of it.

Having all of my siblings gather with my mom to celebrate her life of 90 years and counting was so much fun! I can't even begin to say how blessed I am to have such a family!

God has given me precious time with all of my siblings and I am very thankful for that. Everytime I leave them, I am aware that we don't know when and where we will next meet. As I said to Mom....I hate goodbyes and am just looking forward to the eternal "hello" of heaven.

May 23-June 3 I was in the Adirondacks, getting to know the wonderful folks at Adirondack Bible Chapel. That church is such an example to me of body life and just being in their midst was an amazing encouragement to my spirit.

Now, as I write, I am in Dallas, TX visiting a longtime friend/supporter as well as connecting with a family, newly appointed to serve as missionaries in TEAM Taiwan and also a sister who may join us in ministry in Taiwan in the future.

This time in the US can be described as one "God orchestrated event after another".

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