Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prayer Requests for May 2007
Precept Ministries
1. On June 9 we are holding a meeting in Taichung for our constituents. This is with the same purpose as the meetings we held in Hsinchu and Taipei in March and April. We already have 25-30 positive RSVPs so we are excited to see how God will use this in the Taichung area. Please pray especially that God will raise up churches who are willing to support the ministry of Precept and establish a partnership relationship with us.
2. Our Taipei classes started as scheduled on May 15. Dai led the first session for both of these classes since I was only 10 days post-op. She did a great job and we are using the remaining classes to continue to give her more opportunities to lead, without having to bear total responsibility for the classes (I am sharing it with her)
3. The most recent phase of our rural outreach will be completed on June 9. Pray for us as we consider what our next step should be. We are looking for more volunteers who are willing to be sent out.
4. Please continue to pray for the special meetings we will have with Dorie the last two weeks in September. We are working now on arrangements with various churches and organizations as well as some Christian Radio stations. We will have large meetings in 4 cities with some smaller scaled meetings with various groups who minister specifically to more severely wounded individuals. Pray that these meetings not only minister to the immediate needs of the attendees, but also lead them into more long-term Bible study.

Hsinchu TEAM Church
1. The parents of a man in our church have decided that they want to remove the objects of idol worship from their home. It appears that this is a first step in the direction of putting their faith in Christ. Please pray for the Wu family to make a clear decision to “turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (I Thess. 1:9)
2. Please continue to pray for the spiritual growth and commitment of the individual members of the congregation.

Trailblazer Camps
1. Continue to pray for the process of acquiring the new land and the transition period from the old camp to rented facilities to a new location.
2. As we enter into the summer camping season, please pray for the spiritual effectiveness of the camp programs as well as for the safety and protection of all those who work with us and who come as campers.

Nancy's Personal requests
1. Thank you for your prayers regarding my surgery and recovery. I am doing very well. I am pretty much pain free at this point with the only evidence of having had surgery being a lower energy level than usual. And even that improves week by week.
2. I am looking forward to my week in Florida June 21-28 when I hope to touch bases with folks at Coral Ridge as well as being with Mom and Dad.
3. June 28-July 24 I will be in upstate NY at Camp of the Woods sharing about my ministry. Pray that these times of interaction will be a source of spiritual encouragement to people, as well as a challenge to be more personally involved in mission.

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